Playlist Archive

Michael /

Time Artist Track Album
Mastodon Crusher Destroyer March of the Fire Ants EP
Night Demon Save Me Now Curse of the Damned
Morbid Angel Angel of Disease Covenant
Sepultura Clenched Fist Chaos A.D.
Napalm Death Adversial / Copulating Snakes Apex Preadator - Easy Meat
Godflesh Someone Somewhere Scorned Slavestate
Throbbing Gristle Valley of the Shadow of Death D.O.A.: The Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle
Melt-Banana Type: Ecco System Bambi's Dilemma
Merzbow Track 4 Rainbow Electronics 2
Nurse With Wound A Piece of the Sky Is Missing Cooloorta Moon
Ryan Huber Target Tacht
Deafheaven Gifts For the Earth New Bermuda
Razor In Protest Open Hostility
Baroness Morningstar Purple
Wolf I Will Kill Again The Black Flame
Manowar Sons of Odin Gods of War