Playlist Archive

DJ Jakey /

Time Artist Track Album
Osamu Kitajima Breath of Night Masterless Samurai
Sigur Rós Alfoour orkar Odin's raven magic
MF DOOM Hoe Cakes Mm..Food?
The Smiths Meat is Murder Meat Is Murder
Marvin Gaye What's Going On Great Songs and Performances That Inspired the Motown 25th Anniversary T.V. Special
Test Tone Channel So often Running for Words
Shark Quest 5 dollars Battle of the Loons
Andre Cymone breathin out breathin in 1969
Otis Redding and His Orchestra Satisfaction live on the sunset strip
Sunny Day Real Estate the rising tide The Rising Tide
The Shins The Past and Pending Oh Inverted World
Apsaras Ashitani Self Titled
Caetano Veloso Pra que mentir Totalemente Demais
the shame idols record breaker i got time
Pumpernickel Something in the Middle The Albany Purchase
The Vaselines Poison Pen Sex with an X